Here's why Theresa May could soon be banned from every pub in her constituency
Sorry Theresa, you're barred

Theresa May’s efforts to present herself as ‘a normal person, just like you or I’ have taken a blow with the news that the Prime Minister might soon be unable to drink at her local pub.
Alternatively, Theresa May’s efforts to present herself as ‘a normal person, just like you or I’ have been strengthened by the news that she might be getting barred from her local.
Yes, the way you interpret it might vary, but the news is the same – there’s a very strong chance that the PM won’t be allowed into a single pub in her home constituency of Maidenhead.
And no, it’s nothing to do with the time she ran through a field of wheat as a child. At least not as far as we know.

It’ll just be water for you, Theresa
A number of landlords in the Berkshire constituency have come together in an attempt to get Mrs May banned from all licensed premises in the area, in protest at police cuts.
According to the Mirror, they are concerned for the safety of punters, with police already taking up to an hour to respond to calls following cuts imposed by May’s government.
“This seems to be the only way she’ll get the message,” David Kimber of the Off the Tap bar told the paper.
“If something happens, officers have to come from Windsor,” Kimber added.
“It takes half an hour minimum for them to arrive but we’ve waited an hour before.”

Theresa May’s home constituency is Maidenhead, Kent
The Labour Party have criticised ‘reckless’ policing cuts of upwards of £400 million over the last 12 months, with Shadow Policing Minister Louise Haigh MP calling the measures ‘a threat to public safety’.
As far as we can tell, there are no plans from any pub or bar in Maidenhead to ban Lord Buckethead, who won 249 votes when he stood against May in June’s election.
The same goes for Bobby Smith, leader of the Give Me Back Elmo party, who won three votes in 2017.
(Images: Rex Features)
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