Here are two things that are great: Wetherspoons pubs and gin. The first thing that is great is Wetherspoons pubs, and the second thing that is great is gin. Wetherspoons pubs = great; also, gin = great. Oh and did you know that you can get gin at Wetherspoons pubs?
Those two great things can be combined to make something even greater - a thing twice as great as the two individual great things. How great is that? Very great, is the answer.
Anyway, to further push the envelope of ‘great’ to potentially stratospheric levels, Wetherspoons (that great pub chain, if you’ll recall) will be running a two week gin festival. That’s gin - the other great thing - but it’s a festival of it. A whole two weeks dedicated to gin. From Friday August 17 to Monday August 27, they’ll be serving a gigantic platter of sexy gins from Japan, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany and the UK (pronounced Yook-Ayyyyyy).
Want a list of the gins on offer? YOU BETCHA DO:
Gin Mare (from Spain), Roku (Japan), Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin (Germany), Sharish Blue Magic Gin (Portugal) and Malfy Gin Con Limone (Italy). Then from the UK: Jawbox Single Dry Gin, Masons Dry Yorkshire Gin, Wrecking Coast Clotted Cream Gin, Brecon Special Reserve, Finni’s Black Bee Gin and Bathtub Gin (which sounds great, the bathtub one, doesn’t it? Bathtub gin, a bath full of gin, gin in the bath, gross, love it).
And the best thing? You’ll be able to grab any one of these lovely drinks for under a fiver - prices will range from £2.75 to £4.25 for a single.
Nice, very nice, very agreeable, very exciting, very yes-I-would-like-to-drink-some-of-this-clear-nectar-and-maybe-have-a-bit-of-a-cry-afterwards.
Wetherspoons chairman, Tim Martin, says “The gins will be on a par with those served in any leading bar, restaurant or hotel, but at far better value prices,” which is the exact kind of thing you should find yourself getting behind. We’re behind it. SO SHOULD YOU BE.
(Image: Getty)
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