This 86-year old tailor wears a different, beautiful suit every single day
He wears a different suit to work everyday and each one is absolutely flawless

Thought most 86-year olds spent their days in an armchair clad in stained sweatpants and a cotton shirt, waiting for Tipping Point to come on? Not all of them do, as Turkish/German Ali still goes to work in a different suit every day.
Once a doctor but now a tailor, the octogenarian’s outfits have been documented over the course of three years by photographer Zoe Spawton, who pictured his looks after he caught her eye walking past her workplace every day in Berlin and featured them on her blog What Ali Wore.
From a checked double breasted suit teamed up with a dogstooth peacoat, to bright white Tom Wolfe-esque tailoring, to a burgundy three-piece with its own matching baseball cap, it’s evident that Ali is putting his pension to good use. Bespoke blazers > senior citizen cruises.
So next time you wake up and are thinking about just throwing on some baggy joggers and an adidas hoodie, bow your head in shame and know that an OAP is beating you in the style stakes.
Photo credit: Zoe Spawton