One of the best shows to stream is back - deserves its 96% Rotten Tomatoes score
How can you improve upon perfection? Ask Will Smith. Not that one...

Season three of Slow Horses is out on Apple TV Plus, and the reviewers are saying it’s the best season yet, of one of the streamer’s best shows.
Slow Horses is about a team of MI5 agents who work out of Slough House, the reject pile of the secret service.
It’s a team headed-up by Gary Oldman’s Jackson Lamb, a schlub with poor personal hygiene. And yet he steals any scene he’s in.
“Slow Horses continue to be plausible as both bumblers and authentic heroes, and this third TV season maintains the balance even more gracefully than the hugely charming previous instalments,” says Rolling Stone.
In this season, an internal cover-up is revealed, one that has seen MI5 agents killed in the unravelling.
“The third season now effectively dials back on some of the attempts at being too clever with a story that looks inward and keeps the action close to home, and it makes for an even more enjoyable viewing experience,” says Paste Magazine.
Alongside Lumb, Jack Lowden plays River Cartwright and Rosalind Eleazar plays Louisa Guy, as MI5 agents in his team.
“Forget Bond, forget Bourne — the heroes we need aren’t dapper spies in dinner suits, but dishevelled misfits in curry-stained coats. Slow Horses is the best thriller no-one’s watching, and it’s only getting better,” says Empire.
After originally starting out with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes rating, Slow Horses season 3 has slipped down to 96%. So what are the criticisms of a largely loved show?
The Chicago Tribune suggests it’s too violent. And, err, that’s it for now folks.
So if you have a weak stomach for violence, maybe you won’t love Slow Horses’s third season that much. But the rest of us are going to lap it up.
The first two episodes of Slow Horses season 3 are available to stream right now, the rest popping out one a week. Time to get involved.