The weekend doesn't have to suck in lockdown, We at ShortList are helping make sure you can still have a brilliant, family-filled weekend from the comfort of your home.
1. Become the ultimate Master Chef (and cheat if you have to)
With all our favourite restaurants shut for the foreseeable future, you should probably learn to cook - we mean ~really~ cook. And so that you actually do it, make it a competition among your friends so that once a week you have to share your food creation with others. Not sure where to start? We propose choosing a different country’s cuisine each week and here are our best cookbooks for complete beginners for when you need a little help (or to steal a recipe or two).
2. BBQ meat and veg like the experts
3. Play the best games in the world for free
Turns out if you offer us loads of free stuff, we’ll basically do whatever you want. Who knew? The likes of Ubisoft and Google are offering free games as encouragement for us to stay at home. In the case of Google, you can now get two free months of Stadia Pro, which gives you access to the likes of GRID, Destiny 2: The Collection and Thumper. Plenty to keep you busy for the next four days, at least.
4. Get dressed up for the (virtual) theatre
This four-day weekend is usually spent getting out in the sunshine, getting dressed up and going for a nice meal somewhere. Obviously that can’t happen this year, but that doesn’t mean you can’t look fancy. Why not put on your glad rags and pretend you’re going to the theatre with the help of the National Theatre’s live stream. The London-based theatre is releasing a full performance for you every Thursday and previous plays include One Man, Two Guvnors and Jane Eyre. Currently it's Frankenstein.
5. Get the drinks in with your virtual pals
So, you might not be able to go down to the pub but the pints can now come to you. We suggest getting in touch with your local to find out if they’re delivering in your area. Otherwise, take a look at our best beer subscription box guide for inspiration. If wine or gin are your drinks of choice, we’d suggest M&S Wine Shop and Craft Gin Club respectively.
6. Win a virtual pub quiz
One good thing to come from social distancing is that we’re all now infinitely better at video-calling. Now, we suggest you use those skills for something fun and host a pub quiz with friends and family. And, if you can’t be bothered to write your own questions, you can just tune into Pembury Tavern’s Instagram where they run a pub quiz every Monday without fail.
7. Binge-watch 0.3% of Netflix's entire output
If you’re anything like us, you’ve been watching a hell of a lot of TV since this lockdown began so we’ve got a challenge for you. Even with all this extra time, you’ve probably barely started to scratch the surface of what Netflix has to offer. With over 36,000 hours of TV, movies and documentaries on there, we dare you to try and watch just 0.3% of it - 96 hours - or put another way, that’s like watching Tiger King nearly 14 times over. Good luck!
8. Run a marathon in your driveway
Being stuck at home has made even the most inactive of us want to get out and get some exercise. For those of you who were training for now cancelled races, we imagine you’re climbing the walls right now, so here’s a new goal to keep you busy. Why not take a leaf out of this guy’s book and attempt to run a marathon without even leaving your driveway? Be sure to keep track of it on one of the best running apps or no one will believe you. Bonus points for fancy dress.
9. Become a Monopoly master with these essential tips
Patience is everything when it comes to this classic board game because, let’s be honest, it’s a long’un. Don’t let your greed get the better of you (you’ll go bankrupt), snap up those railways as soon as you get a chance, and get building ASAP. And, when you get bored of the classic, take a look at our round-up of the best board games and best Monopoly editions for Star Wars, Roald Dahl and Sonic the Hedgehog-themed boards.

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