This Game of Thrones theory generator will help kill time until season 7 finally kicks off
Spoiler: Podrick Payne will kill the Night King

Is it just me, or does the internet have Game of Thrones on the brain?
Right about now we’d ordinarily be gearing ourselves up for the season premiere, but this year’s run of episodes won’t air until the summer. All they’ve given us in the meantime is news of an Ed Sheeran cameo and that weirdly dramatic ‘Sit Down’ remix.
With the absence of actual Game of Thrones to talk about, fan theories are taking its place. First we had people flocking to Reddit to offer up their worst possible endings for the world’s biggest show, which finishes up for good next year, and now we bring you Theories are Coming.
Web designer Vasanth Seshadri’s generator pairs a character of your choice with a scenario or outcome, offering an extremely questionable explanation of how it happened. The stupider you make it, the more entertaining the results.
Here’s one we made earlier:

Too plausible for you, huh? Fine:

In truth, it’s not the most complex generator out there, but we’re big fans of the design and interface. More importantly, it also distracted us for at least three minutes. Only 135,000 (ish) to go.