The snick of leather on willow. The mumble of approval from the pavilion. The prison-level exchange of profanity between batsman and bowler. The Cricket World Cup is upon us, and New Balance has got into the spirit of things with the 577 Test Match collection.
The latest 'Made in the UK' release from the Boston-based athletics group, the 577 has been recut in three new models, each drawing on the fine British pastime. While there's not a bat in sight, there are some fitting visual cues hidden in each iteration. Allow us to explain.

The M577TGY draws on the "genteel village greens" of the sport's grass roots, mixing oval-green suede leather with hints of blue mesh and yellow leather.

The 577TBO is a tribute the international game, taking the bolder colours of the T20 matches and world cup kits.

The 577TLR pays homage to the red leather of the match ball, a ruddy cherry red sitting atop a contrasting mesh.
Set to arrive at size?, End Clothing and Hanon on 30 March, the M577TGY and M577TBO will both be available for £125 while the leather 577TLR will fetch £130. You can even watch a launch video with New Balance ambassador and Yorkshire cricketer Gary Ballance below.
Now that's cricket.