Brexit is happening, everyone, and in light of that fantastic and brilliant and not-at-all-terrifying news, we’ve now got a coin to “celebrate” it. Yay, a fun new 50p to make everything seem alright again. Don’t worry about anything - there’s a fancy coin to make it all better!
Chancellor Philip Hammond is the dude announcing this special Brexit coin, and in news that will surprise approximately three people, Twitter is none too keen on this idea. The coin will become available on March 29 at 11pm next year, the day Britain exits the EU, and it’ll reportedly bear the phrase “friendship with all nations”. See? We’re really nice! We love everybody!
Anyway, here’s how well it’s going down:
What does the ShortList Design team think of the new coin?
“Well, straight off, it looks like something that would come with a child’s toy cash register. Then, the typography around the Queen’s head is completely off centre. Just childish all round really - a kid’s coin. For babies.”
“They do coins with cutesy rabbits and sweet little cats on, as well as cool, detailed sports pictures, but for this they made it look as cold and unfriendly as possible. Like Brexit. Maybe it’s a good fit.”
Of course, the widely-circulated design is just a mock-up at the moment, so there’s a good chance it could change - and, umm, it should, right, it absolutely should - but the fact remains that the idea is really not going down well with the public. You know, the people the coin is for. The people it’s supposed to please, somehow. The coin. The tiny little metal disc that you can hold and go “Oh, silly me, everything is perfect” - that one.
Either way, it’s a-comin’, and you better deal with it, much like Brexit. Sure, an ugly coin is of far less value and has a much smaller effect on our lives than literally leaving the EU, but hey, think how cool it’ll look in your palm next time you’re at the bar, counting out coins to pay for your £5,000 pint of Stella.
(Image: Getty)
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