5 surprising summer trends that every man should know about
5 surprising summer trends that every man should know about

From 10th June, our capital city will play host to the annual London Collections Men (LCM).
What's that, you ask? Pretty self-explanatory mate, but fine: it's where hundreds of trendsetting fashion supremos descend on our city, suitcases packed-to-burst with beautiful threads, ready to showcase what we'll all be wearing this spring/summer.
For the most part it's a shindig for industry insiders, but there will be 10 events open to the public - including House of Holland's debut (Selfridges in-store), complimentary embossing from Aspinal of London and a panel on the importance of print within British design at The Hospital Club on June 15.
In any case, an appearance from a particular piece on the LCM catwalk will always result in it flying off shelves across the land. But you can get ahead of the curve. Just follow our predictions, and you'll be decked out in the summer's must-haves extra early...
Hawaiian shirts
Loud, boxy and brave, Hawaiian shirts are the perfect addition to your laid-back, mojito-guzzling summer vibe. Donned by peacocking pop stars like Adam Levine, Harry Styles and Justin Bieber, the fifties-inspired trend is flooding high street stores.
Needless to say, we welcome any look that moves us closer to resembling Magnum PI. Cop this Zara offering, or throw a few more notes at one of Reiss's toned down designs.
Souvenir jackets
Originating in post-WWII Japan, souvenir jackets were worn by occupying American soldiers to commemorate their time overseas.
The preppy-inspired item has been hugely popular in Japan ever since, and it's set for a ubiquitous presence on this year's LCM catwalks.
We recommend HIDDENLABS stunning offering, but if you've got cash to spare, you really can't beat Louis Vitton's brilliant take on the look.
Skinny jeans with slashed knees
We'd suggest avoiding the DIY route on this one, lest you end up with a wardrobe full of strangly, Tobias Funke-approved cut offs (or jorts).
Nope, it's worth splashing some notes on the perfect pair of distressed jeans. Ripped skinnies compliment a surprising variation of looks - from vintage workwear to smart casual - and are a favourite of the edgier side of celebdom.
Just make sure you don't go too far with the idea. If you like your jeans spray-on then Brooklyn Supply Co have a good selection, but we're fans of Levi's customised classic 501s.
Short dreads
When Justin Bieber unveiled his short-lived dreadlocks on Instagram, the Sorry singer received a barrage of abuse from shocked commenters who didn't approve of the new look (granted, he could upload a picture of himself saving a one-legged puppy from a house fire and still get hate, but still...)
Turns out, however, that Biebs might have been onto something. The oft-controversial cut will be front and center during LCM - a fact that will no doubt have people talking.
Oversized tailoring
The rise of work wear brands like Dickies and the increasing influence of Japanese tailoring has inspired a resurgence of wider, oversized fits in the fashion world.
Wide-legged trousers – that is, untampered and slightly boxy – will become a key item in any style conscious man’s repertoire. Dickies, Levi’s and Farah are your go-to spots for a good pair.
Other anti-fit items will include longline jumpers and shirts. Topman features a good range of affordable items, but All Saints have always been masters of the look.