‘Tis the season for giving and the Jedi powers that be are being especially generous this year.
In case the release of Star Wars: A Rogue One Story on 15 Dec wasn’t reason enough to get excited for the festive season, Hasbro has only gone and released a Star Wars version of the classic game Cluedo.
You may have noticed a missing ‘do’ on the box – that’s because there’s currently only an American version, though that doesn’t mean we’ll miss out on the fun. It will be available in the UK next week, we just like to get these things to you ahead of time.
The new version sees a couple of twists to the original game – most notably a 3D Death Star board. Also worth noting, you won’t be solving a murder mystery. The aim of the game is to escape with a copy of the Death Star’s plans.

Don’t worry – Miss Scarlett won’t be wielding a lightsaber in the battle room, as the likes of Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewie, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Princess Leia all make an appearance in the game (priced around £20), but if it’s the new cast you’re after, plans are also underway for a Star Wars version of Trivial Pursuit.

There are almost 2,000 questions to test your knowledge, but the wedges still look like cheese.
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