You never see Spiderman walking into lampposts, or bumping into things do you? That's because he has his 'spidey sense', that alerts him to all imminent danger and obstacles. He's also just not as clumsy as us.
Well, thanks to the good people at ThinkGeek, you too can enjoy heightened awareness by buying this new 'spidey sense' t-shirt. It features a clip-on sensor which alerts you whenever someone is within 5 feet of you, with the pulse speed increasing as they get closer.
It's been previewing at the San Diego Comic-Con and, sadly, is not widely available until October (and you might need to ask a US or Canadian friend to get one for you), but head on over to ThinkGeek to check it out in full.
It's incredibly cool, although possibly not too much use if someone is going to hit you with a 6 foot long pole.
[via designtaxi]
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