The multiplayer mode has long been a huge part of the Call of Duty experience, adding gameplay after completion of the single-player campaign and offering players a chance to pit their skills against each other online, and Ghosts gives them even more power to customise the experience than previous titles have done.
A whole host of newly customisable options lead to variations in appearance and performance - over 20,000 customisations in fact - that gives a huge amount of control over their character before going online to take part in new modes like Cranked or Blitz or a classic favourite like Team Deathmatch.
With new weapons, a bucketful of multiplayer maps, mission options and even the addition of Squads, another new game mode, there is a huge amount of new material here to keep even the most jaded of gamers interested for the long haul on both the current and next generation of consoles.
Call of Duty: Ghosts is out on November 5th this year and is available on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4, PS4, PC and Wii U. Visit for more information.
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