Swearing, as I think we can all agree, is fun. We’ve all seen The Thick of It.
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Hell, it even makes you stronger.
In fact, anyone who disagrees can f…ilter out that kind of language from their day-to-day conversations. Or just hang out in Sam Smith’s pubs.
Admittedly, some people don’t like using foul language, or don’t like their children surrounded by it, and this is why we have things like autocorrect on texts.
Effectively, the person who designed autocorrect is working on the assumption you never want to curse, so you *must* have meant ‘ducking aunt’ that one time.

But hey, what if that’s not what you meant? What if you actually meant to say…well, you get the picture.
It seems as though there’s no number of times you can undo an autocorrected four-letter word and get your phone to remember on the next occasion.
However, you know what, there is a workaround.
It essentially involves tricking a robot, which, as I think we can all agree, is fun.
Over to Gwen Mesco, who has the answer.
Simply navigate to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement
Then hit the + button:
Yes, it’s that simple.
You can thank us, or thank Gwen, later. Probably once you’ve finished peppering your friends and relatives with foul language just because you can.
Of course, if you then go on to tell someone you’re ducking out of a social engagement, you might be in for a shock for which we can’t be held accountable.
(Images: Unsplash/NBC)