The trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens looks out of this world
The trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens looks out of this world

The last time we picked up a game controller to direct a small blocky Harrison Ford around our TV screens, the man had a bullwhip and hat. This time around, he’s got a laser blaster and a grouchy Wookie for company.
Which means only one thing: the trailer for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens is here, bringing with it all your favourite characters from the sci-fi smash of last year.
As well as giving fans a chance to further explore back stories the sheer running time the film didn’t allow for (you’ll get to see how Oscar Issac’s super pilot Poe Dameron ended up with Max Von Sydow’s Lor San Tekka on Jakku, and follow a side quest of Han and Chewie involving the Raptors), there’s a few new playing capabilities too.
Multi-build LEGO making will help get you find creative ways to get out of trouble, while a new targeting system will help you dodge enemy fire (not that Stormtroopers could hit a cow’s arse with a banjo anyway).
Just get your thumbs ready. You won’t have had limbs this sore since, well, you last stood on LEGO.
It will be hitting all consoles in a living room not so far, far away on 28 June
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