The Radiohead Public Library is an absolute gold mine for Radiohead fans
New official website has old clips, links to their music and much more.

Radiohead's official website has had a revamp and now it's an absolute must for Radiohead fans.
Mixing links to all the band's albums and songs (click on them and you are asked to buy or shown where to stream), it also houses a whole host of archive material - from posters to early TV performances.
The new website - which still links to WASTE, the place for ticket news and merchandise - was announced on Twitter, explaining: " has always been infuriatingly uninformative and unpredictable. We have now, predictably, made it incredibly informative. We present: the RADIOHEAD PUBLIC LIBRARY." has always been infuriatingly uninformative and unpredictable. We have now, predictably, made it incredibly informative.
— Radiohead (@radiohead) January 20, 2020
We haven't had a huge time to trawl through, but for a minute there we lost ourself in the archive and found fantastic footage of the band playing full sets, including their 2003 Glastonbury performance where they proved to the world that they were one of the best Glastonbury headliners ever, an iconic MTV's Most Wanted performance and more early gigs from the 90s.
There are also links to their fantastic videos - so you can remind yourself just how awesome the videos for Just, Paranoid Android and No Surprises were.
The whole site is colour coded, with each colour linking to content from a particular album - from A Moon Shaped Pool all the way back to Pablo Honey. It looks like even more stuff will be unlocked soon, too.
There is an image of Radiohead's first EP, The Drill EP, but it's only an image - we're hoping a streamable link to the music will come available soon.
It's pretty much all image based, so it's a bit of a gamble what you are going to click on but the whole thing is a fantastic archive for one of the greatest band's in the world - even if you just use it to see just how many different hairstyles Thom has had over the years.
Head to Radiohead,com to see for yourself - you can also register for your own library card for the Radiohead library here.
Oh, and spend a minute to have your say on what is the best Radiohead album.