The Batman Vs Superman Vs Iron Man Vs Captain America Problem
The Batman Vs Superman Vs Iron Man Vs Captain America Problem

You wait all summer for a decent superhero film, and then two turn up at once. With the same plot.
While comic fans will be well versed in the startling parallels between a pair of Marvel's biggest heroes and two of DC's iconic cape-wearers, the penny is going to drop in grander proportions in the summer of 2016.
Arriving in April from DC's universe, we have Batman vs Superman - a story which sees a muscle-bound super hero of incredible strength and moral fibre take on a genius millionaire kitted out with a bunch of awesome tech weapons. Then within a matter of weeks, Captain America: Civil War strides into cinemas - a plot that finds a muscle-bound superhero of... take on a... you get the idea?
The latest animated comedy piece from Dorkly finely nails this embarrassing level of similarity. Entitled Batman vs Superman vs Iron Man vs Captain America, it's a discussion that your far less comic book aware friends are going to be having in approximately 16 months time.
[Via: Dorkly]
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