As young, troubled magazine, Shortlist was often caught hiding Swiss Army knives, 'borrowed' during some school trip to France, somewhere in our bedroom. “It’s not big and it’s not clever” would boom our mother, understandably. Perhaps not mum, but they are shiny and they are ace – especially if you’re lucky enough to own a Limited Edition Damascus knife from Victorianox.
The company that produces the world-famous Swiss Army Knife have made 2,010 in time for this Christmas and will set you, or your loved ones, back by £114.99. With its unique finish, sleek design and its very own box, it’s worth the money and could well prove a hit.
The uniquely made blade comes from hot-forged Damascus steel, which was originally used for sword making in the middle-east. The steel was legendary because of its sharpness and strength. Swords crafted from the material were said to be able to cut through other swords of a lesser material and even rock.
And if Damascus steel was good enough for Richard the Lionheart during the Crusades, it's good enough for us.