Rockstar Games tease sequel to Red Dead Redemption
Grab your cowboy boots and saddle up, we're heading out west

Rockstar Games is being a great big ruddy tease.
At 2pm on October 2016, the developer of the Grand Theft Auto franchise Tweeted the following...
All at once, millions of gamers gripped their phones a little bit tighter, opened their eyes a little bit wider, and were overcome with a desire to saddle up: Rockstar finally looks set to announce Red Dead Redemption 2.
This single tweet of the company logo burnt onto a red background with a branding iron can only mean that the rumours were true - that a sequel to the greatest, rootin'est tootin'est cowboy game of all time is finally set to ride into town.
But they weren't done there: on 17 October, Rockstar Games continued to bait the internet - and firm up the speculation.
Striding out of the sunset like The Magnificent Seven, these cowboy hatted heroes are mocking us from Rockstar Games' Tweet, their homepage, their YouTube account.
"You want to play Red Dead Redemption 2, don't you?", they seem to be saying. "You're still a little bit worried this might just be an HD remastering of Red Dead Redemption, aren't you?", they snigger.
Well it isn't. We'd bet our extensive video game collection on a new trailer for the game arriving within the week. Heck, let's say Wednesday. We like the look of Wednesday. The original Grand Theft Auto V trailer pretty much broke the internet when it arrived on Wednesday 2 November 2011.
Let's just pray to the gods of gaming that Rockstar Games don't begin a similarly protracted release process with Red Dead Redemption 2: a full two years passed between the first GTA V trailer and the game's eventual launch in 2013. They wouldn't be that cruel again, surely?