There's nothing funny about getting punched repeatedly in the face, which probably explains why there aren't an abundance of comedies based around the subject of boxing.
Grudge Match is thus looking to blaze a new trail.
A wry twist on essentially every boxing film to have taken itself too seriously, the punch'em'funny sees two aged boxing rivals Henry 'Razor' Sharp (Sylvester Stallone, who we've been told was in a boxing film once) and Billy 'The Kid' McDonnen (Robert De Niro, who once punched a bull?) come out of retirement 50 years after their last match. We'll have to wait ans see whether the script is a poignant echo of Stallone and De Niro's careers.
With a strong support cast including Kim Basinger, Alan Arkin and Jon Bernthal, Grudge Match is shaping up to be more than a reel of slap-stick training montages.
(Images: YouTube)
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