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Move over Fallout, Prime Video's serious sci-fi show hits the top spot

Josh Brolin is a rancher who finds strange void on his land in Prime Video's top TV show

Move over Fallout, Prime Video's serious sci-fi show hits the top spot

Fallout had a good run, but another sci-fi show has finally managed to unseat it, at least in the US.

Outer Range is currently the top show over at Prime Video in the US, according to Flixpatrol, following the release of its second season on May 16.

Missed this one? You’re not alone, as it’s a mid-table contender at best in every other territory, and is currently number 5 in the UK. But maybe it deserves some more attention from the folks outside the US.

Outer Range stars Josh Brolin as a rancher. A mysterious hole, a giant void, appears on the outskirts of his land.

This show is weird and unexpected, quite unlike the other big sci-fi shows currently doing the rounds on streaming services. Outer Range also blends genres, most notably Neo-western and sci-fi, adding a dash of wry comedy in there for good measure.

Season 2 of Outer Range currently has even stronger reviews than the first, sitting at an impressive 88% at Rotten Tomatoes at the time of writing.

Inverse calls it “one of the best sci-fi shows on TV.” Others question whether the mixed web of story threads is a bit much, but no-one’s calling Outer Range rote and boring.

Other key cast members include Lili Taylor and Imogen Poots.

Brolin also directed one of the episodes of the new season. "I was like a kid in the candy store,” Brolin told UPI about the experience. "I feel good about the episode. I feel like I had a lot of random interests that made no sense in my life for 50-some-odd years that I was suddenly able to funnel into one place.”

Outer Range was created and written by Brian Watkins, his first major credit.

Prime Video is yet to confirm whether a third season of Outer Range is on the cards, but it sounds like Brolin may be game, as per an interview with Variety.

"The idea of a Season 3 is very intriguing and not something I would necessarily, in most cases, look forward to,” said Brolin. “This has its hook in me. I don’t know exactly why. I don’t think any of us does.”

Both seasons of Outer Range are available to stream on Prime Video.