London Labour MEP Seb Dance has done what everyone wishes they could do every time Nigel Farage opens his mouth – held up a sign behind him, with an arrow, declaring that “HE’S LYING TO YOU”.
Farage was at the European parliament speaking about the lack of support for his pal Donald Trump as they met to discuss the immigration ban.
The former UKIP leader said:
"Perhaps what we need to do is to be a little bit more constructive. All of us here say we are democrats. Well, here’s a chance to prove it: Let us invite President Trump to come here to this European Parliament."
And then went on to call his colleagues names:
"I’m sure as democrats you would all agree that we need to have an open dialogue with the newly elected most powerful man in the world. If you throw that rejection back in my face, then you prove yourselves to be the anti-democratic zealots that I always thought you were.”
As he called the EU ‘anti-American’ there appeared to be a man with an expression that relayed something like “Oh, great. This plonker again.”
But when the camera changes angles, the real hero comes to light.
Watch it here:
The move was met by some who called it a brilliant heckle:
While others, such as UKIP members, called it disgusting:
While it’s clearly not protocol (a man in a bow tie did give Dance a telling off), it’s hard to share Etheridge’s outrage when his capital letters are all over the place.
When questioned about his behaviour, Dance said he had a ‘screw it’ moment:
“It was frustration. I was fed up frankly with nationalist and populist messages being paraded around as if they were the solution to people’s problems
“The really frustrating thing about the European parliament is that we cannot intervene and he was going to get three minutes of uninterrupted speaking time. I just felt enough is enough. I have got to do something pretty crude and unnuanced to point out something I think is happening.”
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