Donald Trump just told the British government to hire Nigel Farage as Ambassador
The world's most terrifying bromance just got spicy

Remember the shivers you felt creeping down your spine when you saw this image plastered across the news? Remember all the slack-jawed gawping you did at the screen, before rubbing your temples in disbelief and going back to bed for what you hoped would be a long, long time? This image, right here?
Well, prepare to put your pyjamas back on. The world’s most terrifying bromance just got spicer.
Overnight, Donald Trump tweeted (of course) his support for Nigel Farage’s appointment to the British parliament in the capacity of British Ambassador to the United States – one of the most prestigious roles going – and suggested “many people” would like to see it happen also.
The love letter is just another turn in the Farage-Trump, or Frump (our word), relationship. The former UKIP leader was the first foreign politician to visit The Donald after his election win. The two are said to have a lot in common, including their reported dislike of wind, and are likely planning to see each other again at the inauguration of The Orange One too. Trump’s even got a cute nickname for his beau: Mr Brexit. Aww.
A former aide to Farage tweeted that he had woken Farage in the night to tell him the news: “Safe to say he was enormously flattered.”
Yet even with his best mate’s backing, Nigel Farage himself doesn’t believe he’s got what it takes to take on the ambassador role.
“I don’t think I will be the ambassadorial type,” Farage told Sky News earlier this year in an interview. “Whatever talents or flaws I have got I don’t think diplomacy is at the top of my list of skills.”
Number 10 Downing Street were quick to respond to Trump’s endorsement, insisting current ambassador Sir Kim Darroch, formerly the UK’s national security adviser and permanent representative to the European Union (EU), wouldn’t be packing his desk into boxes any time soon: "There is no vacancy. We have an excellent ambassador to the US."
Pic: Suzi Altman/ZUMA Wire/REX/Shutterstock
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