There might be no-one under the age of 50 buying any of its clothes any more, but M&S has carved a niche out for itself on the high street with its luxury, sexy food. It’s not cheap, but you can’t argue with the breathy lady on the adverts getting all worked up about gooey chocolate puddings.
So Britain’s lazier posh people can let themselves rejoice: M&S is dragging itself politely into the 21st century, and has announced it’s going to trial a home food delivery service.
Yes, those half-bottles of prosecco and trays of fancy sandwich triangles are now just a few clicks away. Retired parents across the nation will be overjoyed.
If you ever doubted that M&S was a luxury option, it apparently stocks just 7,000 food items; in comparison, you can choose between up to 40,000 at Tesco.
And with Wednesday’s news that McDonald’s is going to start a delivery service of its own, it seems like every end of the food delivery market is sewn up. None of us will ever have to leave home again.
There’s no word yet on when it’ll actually launch and you’ll be able to get your mitts on small boxes of herbed prawns and olives from the comfort of your designer three-piece suite, but we know one bargain-hunter who’ll be happy for sure:
(Image: M&S)
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