Man leaves excellent fake fashion trend tips in shopping mall
We're not certain some of these aren't real

We like to think we know our way around a little fashion guidance here at ShortList. We keep abreast of sartorial goings-on and aim to educate and inform you good readers of what looks the modern, confident man should be sporting.
But sometimes we have to hold up our hands and say that the fashion world can often be a prime target for some good old-fashioned mickey-taking.
And few people seem to do it better than US comedian Jeff Wysaski, who operates under the Obvious Plant label, and has followed up his superb Los Angeles Zoo 'fake facts' series with a new set of fake 'summer fashion trend tip' posters, which he put up in his local mall and then photographed.
Keep up to date with Jeff's future shenanigans via his Facebook page, and check out the tips below. To be fair, Britney Spears was on the whole snake thing way back in 2001...