According to Al Gore we’re all damned and the polar ice caps are going to melt right down and wash into our living rooms in less than five years.
Okay, so perhaps we’re exaggerating a tad, but speedily thawing they are, and if you want a snapshot of just what crumbling ice looks like, just cast your eyes over this incredible amateur video (below).
The hair-raising footage, caught by a woman and her husband out in a speedboat just off the Bay Of Exploits, Newfoundland, Canada, recently, shows the exact moment a substantial iceberg collapsed, prompting the husband to speed up as fast as he possibly could.
Not that he had any option: Wanda Stead’s immediate reactions to seeing the icy implosion might as well have been lifted from a Hollywood disaster flick, ordering her husband to “Run, Rick, go — go!” out of fear those subsequent waves would soon engulf the pair.
Naturally they didn't, so you can feel a little less guilty for laughing.
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