Hillary Clinton just went nuclear on Donald Trump and it was perfect
Hillary Clinton just went nuclear on Donald Trump and it was perfect

If Hillary Clinton doesn’t oust Donald Trump to become the next US President, following this rousing and often hilarious takedown of her Republican rival last night, a presenting gig on the Daily Show surely awaits.
Starting off with the usual rhetoric (“He is not just unprepared, he is temperamentally unfit for office that requires knowledge, stability and immense responsibility”) she then went code five nuclear on the mogul:
“This is not someone who should ever have the nuclear codes,” she said, “because it’s not hard to imagine Donald Trump leading us into a war just because someone got under his very thin skin.”
Then, ramming home the danger posed by this hypercritical egomaniac some more, Clinton then made him look a fool with his own words, reminding the audience that he’s claimed “more countries should have more nuclear weapons, including Saudi Arabia”, and that he has foreign policy experience because he “ran the Miss America pageant in Russia”.
Need some oil for that burn, Donald?
Closer to home, Clinton also made reference to his ongoing verbal skirmishes with various leaders and politicians: “He threatens to abandon our allies at NATO, while picking fights with our friends including The British Prime Minister, The Mayor of London, the German Chancellor, the President of Mexico and the Pope”. Seriously, is there anyone he hasn't offended?
Scaremongering might not seem like the most assured political tact in most debates but Clinton’s attack puts Trump’s entire campaign into frightening perspective. Watch it below.
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