This is the retired life of FIFA 16
It's been a good 12 months for Fifa 16, but a lucrative retirement career awaits

It's a cycle that all great football games go through.
You emerge in the midst of Autumn, all pace and strong finishing, fancy new physics and eye popping graphics. You dominate every living room across the nation, relegating all competition to sit idly under the telly and gather dust.
And then, after a triumphant span of 12 short months, your replacement emerges on the touchline. He's faster, stronger, better in every aspect. You can't get a game with anyone. With no ceremony or testimonial, your playing career is over.
With Fifa 17 arriving in a storm of praise and cancelled Friday night plans, we look at the immediate future of Fifa 16 - a superb game that became obsolete as of this week. Just what does a retired football game do now?
Collapsing into cabs with celebrities at 4 am

Sign a lucrative deal to front up a betting company

Become the face of a hair loss product solution

Become a pundit

Land a job as an assistant at a former club

Land the job of England manager

Oversee your first win and restore hope the national game

Find yourself on the end of a national newspaper sting operation

Resign, apologise, and think on what could have been

Fifa 17 is out now by the way. May it have a successful 12 month career.
(Images: Getty, Rex)
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