Here's what Donald Trump is now promising to do on his first 100 days in office
Number 1: Mess up the global economy

President-elect Donald Trump has released a video statement outlining what he’ll get up to on his first 100 days in office.
Interspersed with the occasional off-script “very important”, but noticeably absent hand gestures (though he looked like he might be sitting on them), here’s what he announced his transition team will be working on come 20 January.. Most notably, leaving the Trans-Pacific Partnership:
"I am going to issue a notification of intent to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a potential disaster for our country."
The TPP is a huge trade deal that was signed by 12 countries in 2015. It included agreements from the US, Japan, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Mexico, amongst others, but has yet to be signed.
Its goal was to increase global economic ties and boost growth in various ways, including by reducing tariffs.
There were also measures to enforce labour and environmental standards, copyrights, patents and other legal protections.
It wasn’t without controversy - its opponents say it was negotiated in secret and it favoured big corporations.
Trump has never been a fan, though like most of what he says, has never been able to coherently and specifically tell us why.
It’s one of the things he’s held onto throughout his campaign and seems more likely to deliver on than deporting millions of people. During his campaign he said,“if the media doesn’t believe me, I have a challenge for you. Ask Hillary Clinton if she is willing to withdraw from the TPP her first day in office and unconditionally rule out its passage in any form.”
In his speech, he went on to say that “instead, we will negotiate fair, bilateral trade deals that will bring jobs and industry back onto American shores.”
His statement triggered mixed responses from other nation’s leaders who support the TPP.
New Zealand’s Prime Minister, John Key said “The United States is not an island. It can't just sit there and say it's not going to trade with the rest of the World, and at some point it will have to give some consideration to that.”
Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull added "There is very strong support among the other 11 parties to the TPP to ratify it and to seek to bring it into force. So Mr Trump and his new congress will have to make their own decisions in America's interest."
On the other hand, Najib Razak, Malaysian prime minister, supported Trump’s decision, stating “It is President-elect Donald Trump's right as the democratically-elected next leader of the United States to make the policy decisions he thinks right.”
Shortly before Trump’s speech, Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, warned that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be “meaningless” without US participation.
He added that the pact could not be renegotiated. “This would disturb the fundamental balance of benefits,” he said.
Trumps other plans include cancelling “job-killing restrictions” on American energy, creating “many millions of high-paying jobs”, creating a new rule that means for “every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated”, developing a security plan against cyber-attacks and other forms of attack, investigating abuses of visa programs and draining the swamp.
He also gave this helpfully vague answer on his plans to deal with immigration ‘I will direct the Department of Labour to investigate all abuses of visa programmes that undercut the American worker’.
Watch his speech below, but be warned – once you realise he literally say “‘Murica” you won’t be able to focus on much else.
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