Comic-Con: it's the San Diego convention that each year commands an incredible line-up of the greatest luminaries in Geekdom; the Shangri-La of all things sci-fi, fantasy and otherwise 'cult'.
This year's event was particularly impressive, with cast members from TV favourites like Dexter, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead gracing the panels - not to mention stars from the monster superhero franchises Avengers, X-Men and Spider-Man.
Picking style highlights from this costumed extravaganza is almost as tricky as mastering Wolverine's double-side-quiff, but here's a look at some of the best bits, courtesy of Style Pilot...
Tom Hiddleston camps it up as Loki
Cosplay (that's 'fancy dress' for the uninitiated) is a long-established tradition at Comic-Con, but Brit thesp Tom Hiddleston obliterated the competition with his inspired turn as Loki. Appearing on stage in full costume, he invited the crowd to chant his character's name, before introducing fresh footage from upcoming blockbuster Thor: The Dark World. Let's just say it was a far cry from his dapper waistcoated Wimbledon look.
Matt Smith shows off his crop
He's become known for his trademark floppy locks, but Matt Smith (set to star in Ryan Gosling's directorial debut, How to Catch a Monster) showed off his crew cut with pride at the convention. The rest of his look was pretty masterful too: a navy, military-style double-breasted blazer, slim black jeans and blue Dr. Martens. Oh, and polka dot socks.
Andrew Garfield uses his spider sense
Giving Tom Hiddleston a definite run for his money, Andrew Garfield made a rather dramatic entrance in full Spider-Man costume, before charming the crowds at a Q&A session. But is Spidey's get-up just a glorified onesie? That remains up for debate...
Bryan Cranston goes incognito
Breaking Bad star Bryan Cranston also made the move of cosplaying his own character, stealthily mingling among fans using a hyper-realistic $3,000 Heisenberg mask and wearing Walter White's trademark beige chinos and green shirt. Apparently he also put on a high-pitched voice to aid his disguise - genius.
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson - actually aliens?
Mulder and Scully sensationally reunited at Comic-Con, much to the delight of veteran X-Files fans. Slightly disturbingly, neither of them appeared to have aged at all since the 1990s. Either the San Diego sun is doing them immeasurable good, or they're actually aliens - the truth is out there.
Images: Getty/YouTube
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