Your Kindle could stop working tomorrow. Here's how to urgently fix it
Your Kindle could stop working tomorrow. Here's how to urgently fix it

You had high hopes for the Kindle of Christmas 2009. You charged it up, downloaded a few ambitious eBooks, and diligently read it on the train for two entire commutes. You felt techy; learned; proud.
Then you slid it into the drawer, where it sat neglected by sun and swipe for seven whole years.
You still promise yourself that you'll wipe the dust from its screen and dive into a good book once again, but with every failed new year's resolution, that prospect is looking more and more unlikely.
And understandably, Amazon have had enough of your bullshit. The company have put a time limit on older devices, which means that your vintage Kindle could soon be making the jump from drawer to dust bin.

According to an update on the company’s help community, a new update is required for anyone using a pre-2012 device that has not connected it to the internet since 5 October, 2015.
“Customers using an outdated software version on Kindle e-readers, or that have not connected wirelessly since October 5, 2015, require an important software update by March 22, 2016, in order to continue to download Kindle books and use Kindle services.”
If you fail to do so, you won’t be able to connect to Amazon’s Cloud, access the Kindle Store, or use any other internet services through the device.
Amazon have provided a chart that indicates if you need an update or not:

You've got one day left, neglectful Kindlers. Make sure you jump on the update immediately, lest you resign yourself to a life of ignoring real books instead *shudder*
Need inspiration? Check out 10 great novels by underrated authors that'll get you back in the groove.