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We've got serious envy for this Pokédex phone case
Why get a battery brick when you could make one of these?
19 July 2016
What with its constant use of your screen, GPS location and occasional camera use, Pokémon GO has been draining batteries faster than Haunter can eat dreams.
Sure, you could just buy yourself a portable battery brick, topping up your smartphone on the go. But that's just so dull. We prefer attitude of Pokéthusiast Npoole.
The project maker and SparkFun user has just uploaded an amazing build for a 3D-printed Pokédex smartphone battery case, which smuggles some extra juice from a 18650 lithium battery.
Npool 3D-printed the case from ABS plastic
To print your own, you can find Npoole's design on Github over here.
Extra XP for details
(Images: Npoole, Sparkfun)
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