Our guide to the army of sculpting products that will help define and firm up your muscles.
(Photography: Owen Silverwood)
Ab Rescue Body Sculpting Gel
This thermogenic formula, containing creatine, helps tone the abs into a smoother, firmer set of muscles.
£28 for 200ml by LAB SERIES; 0870-034 2566
Ab Firming
Adiposlim and caffeine slow down fat storage for a chiseled stomach.
£28.60 for 150ml by CLARINS MEN; clarins.co.uk
Rosemary Leg And Arm Toner
Promotes lymphatic circulation for tighter limbs. £24.95 for 100ml by DR HAUSCHKA; drhauschka.co.uk
Body Firming Cream
Oat beta glucon and soy flour increases body firmness instantly for more toned, resilient skin. Use all over. £35 for 200ml by MURAD; victoriahealth.com
Love Handles
Rub away extra rolls as wheat proteins instantly define the skin and plant-extract enzymes break down existing fat cells. £23.50 for 150ml by NICKEL; 0845-769 7072
Arm Sculpt
Caffeine and coenzyme A aid the transformation of fat and sculpt the upper arms. Lipocare stimulates fat burning.
£59 for 100ml by RODIAL; rodial.co.uk
Body Creator Abdomen Toning Gel
Contains grapefruit oil to help burn fat.
£38.50 for 200ml by SHISEIDO MEN; 020-7313 4774
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