This retro video game tribute to Star Wars is incredible
You can put your coins away - this isn't the Star Wars retro video game you were looking for.

You can put your coins away - this isn't the Star Wars retro video game you were looking for.
The creation of 8-bit obsessed CineFix, in celebration of the internet's current Star Wars fixation they've turned their ample animation skills toward the original trilogy.
A New Hope runs like a classic Japanese role playing game, harking back to the good old days of Zelda and Pokemon, before things turn decidedly Mega Man for The Empire Strikes Back. Our favourite sequences are saved for the action of Return of the Jedi, which draws on the graphic styles of consoles brawlers like Golden Axe and Streets of Rage.
It's a staggering achievement, and one we'd cut off our lightsaber hand to play for real.
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