This is how to get 24 days off in a row next year, using only 14 days' holiday
Get one up on your workmates by booking now

Holidays: relaxing ways to unwind, destress and generally escape from the realities of day-to-day life.
No, holidays are now as competitive as everything else in life, and that includes the process of booking them. Last year, there was a terrific wheeze whereby some clever clogs spotted that you could get 18 days off in a row by booking just 9 days’ holiday in 2017 – and we’re glad to report that, due to the fact that calendars tend to be quite repetitive, there’s a similar ruse on offer in 2018. In fact, next year, there are two ruses available to choose from. That’s right, 2018 is a double-ruse year. The best type of year. So you need to get booking these before everyone else in your office realises. GO.
First up: the big one.
24 ENTIRE DAYS off in a row in May, by using ‘just’ 14 days’ holiday. Here’s how:
(Green = bank holidays, Red = weekends, Blue = BOOK THESE OFF)

As you can see, that’s nearly an entire month, which is really quite good isn’t it? You could probably go around the world in 24 days. Phileas Fogg did it in 80 and they didn’t even have planes then, so it should be easy these days.
But, we realise that, for most people, 14 days’ holiday is actually quite a lot – a large chunk of your entire year’s allowance. You might not want to punt that all in one go. If so, perhaps sir would be interested in our second option:
16 DAYS OFF at the end of March/beginning of April for the price of 8. That’s 50% free guys.
(Green = bank holidays, Red = weekends, Blue = BOOK THESE OFF)

Pretty ruddy good eh?
Oh, and if you still haven’t taken advantage of this one, for Christmas, which is now just over three months away – here’s how to get 10 DAYS OFF over the Yuletide period using just 3 days’ holiday:
(Green = bank holidays, Red = weekends, Blue = BOOK THESE OFF)

Just don’t tell Santa about that one or he’ll be buggering off to Jamaica on holiday and leaving the elves in charge.
(Image: iStock)