These are the jobs your father-in-law doesn't want you to do
These are the jobs your father-in-law doesn't want you to do
For many of us, meeting the in-laws is a frankly terrifying experience. Well if you're a doctor, you needn't worry.
A new YouGov poll asked participants: "Imagine you had a daughter/son about to be married. Presuming they were happy with their fiance, what profession would you most like him/her to be in?"
The results found that the most desirable profession for both genders was medicine, with law or teaching filling the rest of the top three.
There were interesting disparities in the research: prospective in-laws would much rather a banker or soldier son-in-law than a daughter-in-law with the same profession, but they'd rather their daughter-in-law be a nurse or a teacher.
MPs claimed the bottom spot with a devastating one percent of the vote, whilst actors and models both fell short of in-law affection. It could be worse though - journalists were ranked low down for what YouGov calls their perceived "villainous" nature.
Perhaps we should have taken that architecture course after all.