The Dalai Lama is amazingly chilled about this whole Donald Trump thing
His Holiness has "no worries"

Nobody panic. Everything’s cool.
At least, you’d think so if you’ve been within earshot of Nobel Peace Prize-winner and exiled Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently.
The 81-year-old Buddhist says he has "no worries" about Donald Trump's election as US president, and hopes to meet the former reality TV star turned Most Powerful Human In The Universe at some point after his inauguration on 20 January.
"I feel during the election, the candidate has more freedom to express,” His Holiness said at the end of a four-day tour around Mongolia. “Now once they (are) elected, having the responsibility, then they have to carry their cooperation, their work, according (to) reality. So I have no worries."
He later went on tell reporters: "I think there are some problems to go to United States, so I will go to see the new president."
The Dalai Lama’s comments about Donald Trump aligning political policies with real-world issues, and just toning everything the hell down a bit, come at a time when the president elect has made somewhat of a u-turn on his opinion of global warming. After that now famous tweet, in which The Donald believed “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive,” he recently said, during a meeting at The New York Times, that he was keeping an "open mind" on the issue of climate change. He also admitted that there could be some connection between global warming and human activity.
Oh good. Still not enough to stop us wanting to go back to bed for four years while this whole thing blows over, mind.
Pic: Aflo/REX/Shutterstock
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