The new Beatles Yellow Submarine LEGO and the 10 coolest upcoming sets
Featuring the Addams Family, Red Dwarf &, erm, Elvis

Everyone loves LEGO. That's a scientific fact. And even more with this fab new Beatles Yellow Submarine set.
The design came from the Danish toy-makers’ crowdsourcing site, LEGO Ideas, where fans can post their own LEGO model creations and suggestions – and any suggestion that gets over 10,000 votes is put forward to be potentially put into production.
With the Yellow Submarine set to become a reality, we take a look at 10 cool fan-designed sets that could be next.
Red Dwarf
The boyz from the Dwarf are back on the box right now, and could soon be made into bricks too. Featuring mini figure versions of the four main characters – Lister, Rimmer, Cat, and Kryten – it’s designed to be a mish-mash of the show’s 28-year history, with Blue Midget, a Skutter, and even the Holly Hop Drive accessory (one for the geeks there). Smegging good stuff.

Star Destroyer
Because who doesn’t love a giant bit of Star Wars LEGO? The Venator-Class Star Destroyer featured in Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars (the rubbish ones, we know) but there’s no denying this is a tasty bit of kit. As with official Star Wars LEGO sets, it’s highly detailed – we can only imagine the painstaking effort that designer went through to piece together this 30-inch, 3,900-inch monster. The Force is strong with him, clearly.

Elvis Presley
It’s a good 9,000 votes short of its target, but this set has got us all shook up. Based on Elvis’ Vegas comeback years, he’s noticeably trimmer round the gut than the real Elvis (c’mon, LEGO – where are your portly mini figures?!) but the pink Cadillac with opening bonnet is a nice touch. Could become the “King of Brick ‘N’ Roll”. Ahem.

Moutain View Observatory
This one takes a break from the usual LEGO science fiction geekiness with a bit of proper science fact. The finished product would rotate with plenty of features inside, such as computers, a coffee machine (because who can do proper science without a cup of joe?), and a big telescope, naturally.

Blues Brothers Blues Mobile
After the success of the Ghostbusters ECTO-1 and Back to the Future DeLorean – both which started as fan designs on LEGO Ideas – this is one we could definitely see happening. Not just a very tasty model of 1974 Dodge Monaco, it also comes with a giant speaker strapped to the roof, Jake and Elwood themselves, and a replica poster from the movie. And it only needs just over 2,000 votes to be put under review. In other words, it needs you, you, and you.

The Large Hadron Collider
This educational model has been designed by a PhD student at the University of Liverpool, who is currently based at CERN - so he clearly knows his stuff. The four detectors ATLAS, ALICE, CMS and LHCb - where the collisions occur - are all present and correct, together with the joining dipole magnets, where the particles are accelerated to their high speeds. LEGO: Get our physicists of the future ready by getting this one made as fast as a speeding particle.

Iron Man Hulkbuster
Currently just 500 votes short of its target, this would be a huge hit with comic book and Avengers fans - especially after Iron Man's blistering punch-up with Hulk in Age of Ultron. There's a smaller LEGO version of the Hulkbuster armour already on shelves, but this highly detailed upgrade would be the absolute business.This needs to be made, or we might just suit up and demolish the LEGO headquarters. Guys, you have been warned.

Boat House Diner
Part boat, part house, part… well, diner, this model would fit perfectly with LEGO’s spectacular range of “creator” buildings - check out the bank and cinema models - targeted at AFOLs (that’s Adult Fans of LEGO). It’s made of over 2,000 bricks and looks like somewhere we’d actually like to eat.

Thunderbird 2
Everyone know that Thunderbird 2 is best of all the Thunderbirds – it’s big, it’s green, and it carries teeny-tiny Thunderbird 4 around in its belly. Designed by Kervin Szeto, this set is based on the 2015 relaunched version, but it still looks an absolute classic. It was constructed using LEGO Digital Designer program, a popular tool for the hardcore LEGO fans (and saves on trying to find every tiny little piece amongst a mountain of bricks). Coming with movable features and the who Tracy family, this one would be F.A.B. if it went into production.

The Addams Family Mansion
Creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky, this set was put together to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of The Addams Family. With 10,000 votes it’s currently under review, which means it could be made available in the very near future. It would be an absolute whopper set too – a three floor mansion packed with details and easter eggs from the original show.

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