Take a trip inside Abbey Road in Google's latest VR app
Forget Street View, Google is getting even more intimate with its virtual tours of the wider world.

Forget Street View, Google is getting even more intimate with its virtual tours of the wider world.
Following on from last year's launch of Inside Abbey Road - a computer-based tour of the infamous music studio - Google has just released a VR app that lets you explore the studios in bewilderingly intimate detail.

The Inside Abbey Road - Cardboard app allows you to transform your smartphone into a virtual reality viewing portal. All you need to do is pop your handset into a Google Cardboard headset - which you can build for free here - squish it up to your face and gawp as your view is transformed into a 3D bubble.
There's a nine-part guided tour narrated by Giles Martin, the ability to wander around the building by yourself and an option to watch a recording session with London Symphony Orchestra - recorded with surround sound.
Grab some cardboard and your headphones - the future is here.

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