The first trailer for Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street was terrific, a parade of excess edited to the hammering beat of Kanye's Black Skinhead. But the second trailer, sans Kanye, is even better.
Based on Jordan Belfort's memoir of the same name, The Wolf of Wall Street follows Belfort's (Leonardo DiCaprio) rise up through the world of stocks, shares and excessive living, then his subsequent fall as the law catches on to the highly illegal side of his work. Obviously this is still just a trailer, but the footage here suggests Scorsese, hardly a slouch on any of his films, operating with the kind of energy we saw in his Goodfellas days.
For a time it looked unlikely that The Wolf of Wall Street was going to be completed in time for the end of 2013, the crucial cut off for awards season. It's now confirmed that it will be ready for Christmas Day in America, with a reported running time of 165-minutes. If it's anywhere near as good as this trailer indicates then its presence at the Oscars could be a heavy one.
The Wolf of Wall Street is currently scheduled for a January 17 release in the UK
(Images: All Star, Rex Features)
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