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23 March 2016
So Peep Show is over, and if you're anything like us, life hasn't quite been the same since Mark and Jez and the rest of the gang left our lives.
But don't despair, because we finally have something to look forward to: Super Hans is going to become a real-life DJ.
Yes, the legendary party animal/electroclash musician/snake enthusiast Hans, played by Matt King, announced the news via Twitter yesterday:
Forget Adele, if they can book Super Hans for Glasto, that'll be all that anyone will be talking about.
So, what can we expect from a Hans DJ set?
Probably no Coldplay
Some serious moves, and possibly some guest reptiles
Music industry 'suits' will not be welcome
Mark could come along and pretend to take Ecstasy
We know which pub he'll be playing first