It's true that we all soften as we get older. Mentally and physically. No-one is immune. Not even rappers.
Once positioned as the epitome of cool, the tough guys have been losing their street cred at an alarming pace. Snoop's early career was fuelled with controversy as he went on trial for murder and celebrated the use of drugs. You know, things that make him look cool to kids.
But in recent years, he's become a rather different character. Appearing on the soap One Life To Live, duetting with Katy Perry, producing and then actually sticking around for his kids... it's a disgrace.
Today, news has emerged that he'll soon be starring in his own sitcom for NBC. For families. But but but how can he be a weed-smoking pimp on network TV?
He's not the only rapper going down the sitcom route. Ice Cube has found success on TBS with Are We There Yet? while Will Smith found fame back in the 90s with The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
But it'll mark the first time NBC have funded a rapper-fronted sitcom since their failed Sisqo/Bob Newhart effort in 2001. Yes, that's a thing. Google it.
Okay so Snoop's sitcom needs a title, any ideas?
(Image: Rex Features)
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