This awesome Apollo 11 print details every item NASA sent to the moon
This awesome Apollo 11 print details every item NASA sent to the moon

Here's something cool: a meticulously-researched poster of the 200+ items NASA sent to the moon on the Apollo 11 mission. Want to make it cooler? Fine. It also features 69 painstakingly detailed illustrations. Cooler still? If you insist. Metallic silver ink on Nightshift Blue French Paper.

The jaw-dropping 18"x24" print was researched and drawn by Chicago-based artist Rob Loukotka, who turned to Kickstarter to fund the project.
"Every piece of the survival kit, the dehydrated foods, the maintenance kits, the extravehicular suits, the lunar tools, and more are cataloged into this one big poster," he wrote on the page.

Rob used NASA's "impeccable" records to research all of the original launch manifests and stowage lists from the 1960s. He claims the poster is "pretty much" everything featured on the mission, as he chose to ignore boring items like a piece of string or the hardware on the rocket itself. You can buy a signed version of the poster for $29 (£21) here.
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