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Partridge is back in the new trailer for Mid Morning Matters
"Drama, music, dream guests, great banter and a beef sponge"
04 February 2016
No, not the Norwegian pop trio once big in the eighties - though they might be played at some point – it’s the trailer for the new series of Alan Partridge’s Mid-Morning Matters, returning to Sky Atlantic on 16 Feburary.
Promising “drama, music, dream guests, great banter and a beef sponge”, and once more allowing fans complete access to his studio and prime morning slot activities inside North Norfolk Digital - last seen of course in his movie Alpha Papa - Partridge is back with a bang. BANG. Sorry, we went all Partridge for a second there.
And with Tim Key’s Sidekick Simon also rejoining the party, who bloody knows what could happen?
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