Make the world a living nightmare with this remote-controlled flying Goth
The sky is black, real black.

Imagine walking home from the pub one evening, hearing a noise, looking up and seeing a Goth hovering above you. You'd foul yourself immediately, and be entirely justified in doing so. You'd be convinced that Rammstein had run out of normal rules to break, so had decided to break the law of gravity.
It could happen, though, if Norwegian metal band Gothminister decide to take their new Flyguy out for a spin. Built by flying machine wizard and awesome name-owner Otto Dieffenbach, the Flyguy is a life-size replica of Gothminister lead singer Bjørn Alexander Brem, designed for use at their concerts. It makes that craze for lead singer holograms a few years ago look completely rubbish.
Dieffenbach has created loads of flying stuff in the past, including a life-size flying Tardis, a flying Christmas tree, a huge flying can of Monster and a flying R2-D2.
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