This brilliant Instagram account is calling out your social media unoriginality
Have you done one of these?

Just the other day, we brought you a very helpful list of clichéd things you’re not allowed to post on Instagram anymore, and obviously, you all took notice and immediately altered the way you use social. Thanks, it means a lot to us that you listen so intently to what we say.
Anyway, weirdly, not everyone in the world read it, so there are still many people out there posting trite nonsense on their social media accounts. And now an Instagram account has popped up to shame these lazy ideas, and to call out unoriginality on the internet. Essentially, it knocks up collages of extremely similar photos and highlights that nobody has a single new idea in their head anymore! Yay!
Here, look:
- The 17 most clichéd Instagram photos you’re not allowed to post any more
- This is how to hide your accidental Instagram ‘Like’
Bad, isn’t it? Lots of samey ideas floating about Instagram, aren’t there? Try and avoid them, if you can. Nowt wrong with riffing on an already existing idea, but try not to copy it outright, yeah? The worst thing is stealing other people’s ideas, and as I’ve always said: Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
(Image: Getty)
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