Hawaiian shirts will work well wherever you are...
Hawaiian shirts
Blue Hawaiian print shirt £115 by HENTSCH MAN, hentschman.com
Grey T-shirt with breast pocket £38 by NUDIE JEANS, nudiejeans.com
Cream denim shorts £130 by APC, 020-7729 7727
Boerum navy trainers £140 by PAUL SMITH, 0800-023 4006
Hawaiian shirts
Black parrot print Hawaiian shirt £14.99 by NEW LOOK, newlook.com
White vest £7 by TOPMAN, topman.com
Light beige denim shorts £130 by APC, 020-7729 7727
Woven suede boat shoes £150 by THE FRYE COMPANY, thefryecompany.com
Hawaiian shirts
Red and green flower Hawaiian print shirt £60 by PETER WERTH, peterwerth.co.uk
Straw hat £145 by RAG & BONE at Matches Fashion, matchesfashion.com
Hawaiian shirts
Caricature Hawaiian print shirt £195 by ORLEBAR BROWN, orlebarbrown.co.uk
Denim shorts £30 by TOPMAN, topman.com
Boerum navy trainers £140 by PAUL SMITH (as before)
Hawaiian shirts
Blue red and green Hawaiian print shirt £140 by MARC BY MARC JACOBS at Selfridges, selfridges.com
Vintage skinny ripped faded jeans £35 by TOPMAN, topman.com
Straw hat £145 by RAG & BONE (as before)
Hawaiian shirts
Leaf print Hawaiian shirt £28 by RIVER ISLAND, 0844-576 6444
Foldable wayfarer £135 by RAY-BAN at Sunglass Hut, 0844-264 0860
Hawaiian shirts
Karmakula brown and cream Hawaiian print shirt £35 by TOPMAN, topman.com
Brown trousers from £700 by BERLUTI, 020-7437 1740
Brown leather key chain £100 by DSQUARED2, dsquared2.com
‘Copter’ gold-framed sunglasses £322 by OLIVER PEOPLES at Adam Simmonds, adamsimmonds.co.uk
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