Got A Three Contract? You're About To Get Better Signal
Got A Three Contract? You're About To Get Better Signal

There's a scene in Hot Fuzz that succinctly depicts the reality of phone single in the UK.
As Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) begins his journey into the depths of the countryside to the village of Sandford, the bars of single decrease as he moves further from the urban sprawl.
If you look out of a window and see nothing but fields and trees, you'd need a wi-fi connection to Instagram it. But not if you're on Three.
The super-cheap network has just launched its 4G Super-Voice enhancement: a VoLTE (Voice over LTE) that uses a lower frequency spectrum to go further than before (we won't bore you with the tech stuff).
With this extended 4G connection, you'll be able to make voice calls via apps such as Whatsapp and Viber.
Currently rolled out to three quarters of London, Edinburgh, Exeter and Birmingham, Three should have 65 per cent of the UK covered by 4G Super-Voice by the end of the year.
However - you'll only be able to use this service if your phone supports VoLTE calls. You can find a full list of models here.
You can find out more here - and rest assured, Three is bound to be joined by other competitors in coming months. Now there's no escaping your incessant Tweeting.
(Image: Shutterstock)
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