If, like us, you enjoy the pretence that the realities created within films and TV aren't fictional and genuinely exist then you'll also take a great deal of pleasure out of these awesome cards.
Focusing on an aspect of characters' lives that don't generally get much of a look-in, excluding in American Psycho of course, these creations allow us to perpetuate the myth that fiction is non-fiction.
The cards cover everything from The Simpsons to Alien. We assume you'll be able to instantly recognise the references but if you're struggling, you can find the answers at the bottom.
If you're looking for someone to thank for these then you can check out Fernando Reza's work here.
At the top:
1. Lost
2. Die Hard
3. There Will Be Blood
4. Iron Man
5. The Flintstones
1. Mad Men
2. The Simpsons
3. Alien
4. Looney Tunes
5. Jurassic Park
6. Lost
7. Batman Begins
8. The Simpsons
9. Arrested Development
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