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09 June 2011
We've seen a lot of games this week. That should be obvious... And if it feels like you've read that before, that's because you have. We did this whole awards thing yesterday. You can refresh your memory on the nominees here. Or catch up if you missed it entirely - below are the winners.
Best ShooterCall Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3:
If there was any thought that the behind-the-scenes upheaval on Modern Warfare 3 would hamper its quality, that's been blown away by the quality of our first play experience. Which, you'll be pleased to hear, was on the reinstated Spec Ops mode - the undisputed highlight of MW2.
Best Action Game
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception:
From the second the Poseidon Adventure-aping level was shown at Sony's press conference, Uncharted 3 has been the game to beat. Yes, Arkham City has a playable Catwoman, but Nathan Drake is one of video games' most compelling original characters. And he's in a game designed to wow us in 3D.
Best RPG
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:
As good as the Fallout games were, by the end of New Vegas the strain on the game's engine was beginning to show. For Skyrim, Bethesda set its team the task of creating an engine capable of powering the Elder Scrolls and Fallout RPGs of the next half decade. They've succeeded in fine style.
Best Racing Game
F1 2011:
What last year's (Bafta-winning) game hinted was capable is fully realised with a year 's extra work. And fan requests have been taken on board so even the little things, like pixel-perfect recreations of each car's real-life steering wheels, are now in the game.
Best Sports Game
Fifa 12:
Every year it's hard to see how Fifa can improve. Every year it manages to. And this time even more so. The difference between Fifa 11 and 12 is startling from the second you pick up a controller. And the videos we were shown demonstrating how far it's come were incredible.
Best Motion Controlled Game
The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword:
The franchise turns 25 this year and it's never looked better. Managing to blend classic elements with innovation is never easy in such a well-loved franchise, but Skyward Sword looks to have cracked it. The game we all hoped Twilight Princess would be.
Best platform game
Rayman Origins:
It's not often a traditional 2D platformer is given a full retail release outside the odd Mario title - they're usually cut-price, cut-length download only games. That's a pity, but Ubisoft clearly believe Rayman is good enough to be given the full boxed treatment. It seems like they're right, too.
Best Game
Battlefield 3:
Why it won: The best game of the whole show should be judged on more than its qualities within its genre. Battlefield excels as a shooter, that's not in doubt, but the impact it's created as a rival to the biggest franchise in the world (Call Of Duty, obviously) helps it stand out. It's the game everyone was talking about.
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