Shadows: the artistic medium of deep-as-a-puddle emos and tragically brooding film makers. But not in this case.
Graphic artist Khoa Ho has seemingly chilled his skills in the frostiest of Arctic caves. Each poster from his impossibly cool series Superheroes - Past/Present draws on the back story of some of the most iconic heroes ever penned, including Spider-man, Wolverine and Superman.
Writing on his Behance Page, Ho gives his series the following description: "In this poster series I took a dive into the origins of these individuals and who they were before they became superheroes to remind us that despite the trials of our past, what we choose to do moving forward is much more important to us and the world we share."
A gluttonous feast for bespectacled nerd eyes, we can't get enough of these.
(Images: Khoa Ho)
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